In order to optimize and maximize the results of crab cultivation and hydroponic farming, the UNHAS Faculty of Engineering Research Team developed a Technology Approach based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). In developing this technology, the Faculty of Engineering UNHAS collaborates with the Osaka Institute of Technology (OIT) Japan to conduct Collaborative Research. IOT Japan fully funds the funding for this collaborative research.
For this collaborative research, the Unhas Faculty of Engineering Research Team was led directly by the Head of the Computing and Network Laboratory of the Department of Informatics Engineering FT Unhas, Dr.Eng. Muhammad Niswar, while from OIT Japan, chaired by Dr.Eng. Shigeru Kashihara, Head of Cyber-Human System Lab, OIT.
This collaborative research also involved a student of the Informatics Engineering Master's Program, Mr. Riswandi, and a student of S1 Final Year Program, Mr. Juan Jimmy. Both students joined the student team at the Cyber-Human System Lab at OIT Japan for 1 semester with financial support from JASSO.